One Week
Now shiz is getting real. Arrie babe and I had our last day of work today. For me, it was bitter sweet as I farewelled my little work family and the company I have worked with for over 3 years. My work team and I headed out for dinner to celebrate and say goodbye. I was gifted a beautiful dress - long sleeve, of course ;) - and gorgeous bracelet, accompanied by a card full of touching messages. This job has certainly been a rollercoaster, but one that has challenged me more than anything else before. It has forced me into some uncomfortable and confronting situations, and I've learned a lot in the process. I feel comfortable and confident in myself and my abilities heading over to a new country. I know I can handle myself. I'll use my heart as my compass and the rest will work itself out :)
We've got a big day tomorrow; we're moving out of our apartment here in Kangaroo Point. This means we'll also be packing our suitcases. Here's hoping everything will fit into the 4 we have planned to take! Once we get past Saturday, it's pretty smooth sailing from there until Friday. I'm so looking forward to some sleep ins and rest time before it all kicks off in 6 days! As I write this, it still hasn't quite hit me that I don't have to go to work anymore. I'm no longer employed. That's it. No more work. This will be the longest break Aaron and I have ever had in our adult lives. We won't know what to do with ourselves!
xo kimi
The most magnificent storm I've ever seen rolled through Brisbane on Monday 1st. One of the only times our little patio area has been put to good use!